
Bring & Brag March 2024 Entries and Winners

The category for the Bring and Brag contest was Structures: Railroad / Commercial. There were five excellent entries offered, the winners were as follows:

1st place went to Steve Ross for his entry of Eidenau Station. He describes his model this way: “Eidenau is north of Pittsburgh where the B&O P&W Subdivision split with the mainline going to New Castle and the branch to Butler. The model was inspired by these photos of Eidenau Station on the Pennsylvania Railroad Stations Past & Present website (by Dan West). I had one of the Telegraph Office kits from Portland Locomotive Works that the Division was selling as fundraisers. It didn't quite work for the non-RR office I was planning, so I bought a second kit to extend the waiting room section and model the Eidenau building. The station names were made on a laser printer. The MU telegraph code in the windows are dry transfers. The snow guard on the roof was scratchbuilt from scale 2x8's. The outside lamp is a Tichy part. I'm still searching for an appropriate brick chimney for the 1950s look.

1st place: Eidenau Station, by Steve Ross

1st place: Eidenau Station, by Steve Ross

1st place: Eidenau Station, by Steve Ross

2nd place went to Tom Catalano for his entry of an N-scale farm diorama. He used a train show find of a Kibri Marburger Milking Barn which he disassembled, repainted, reassembled and added details. Additionally, on the diorama there was a Country Barn by American Model Builders. It was well assembled and painted and weathered. All of the additional details added to the appeal of the diorama.

2nd place: N-scale farm diorama, by Tom Catalano

3rd place went to Rick Montgomery for his entry of the Paramount Theater. This model was a Walthers Rivoli Theater kit. He painted and weathered the building with model paints and powders. He added a Miller Electronics “Paramount” sign and marquee. He edited the sign on his computer to show it hosting Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra.

3rd place: Paramount Theater, by Rick Montgomery

Two additional entries were submitted for the March contest Structures.

George Pandelios brought a color photograph of the Weirton Steel open hearth furnace that he modeled.

Weirton Steel open hearth furnace, by George Pandelios

Frank Benders brought a water tower.

Water tower, by Frank Benders

This page is copied from the Keystone Flyer, Bring‘n’Brag article by Susan Werner.